Office Closure on Monday 19 September 2022

The funeral for the late Queen Elizabeth II is being held on Monday 19th September 2022, and as a sign of respect our offices will be closed as we celebrate the life and outstanding contribution made to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth by the late Queen. We...


YOU SPOKE – WE LISTENED! Despite the current state of the global economy, ABMA Education are extremely proud and excited to announce that for the 6th year running, we have made an unprecedented decision that we will not be increasing our exam fees in 2023! We are the...

Update Regarding Changes to Examination Papers – June 2022

In the March examination series, we made some small changes to the front page of the examination papers, which included printing on the front page the student’s name and student number, allowing us to link the papers to the correct learner in our database. Due to the...

Menstrual Hygiene Day #ABMAagainstperiodpoverty

#ABMAagainstperiodpoverty Girls and women are all too often shamed into not attending school or college when they are experiencing their periods due to the lack of affordable sanitary materials being available to them and poor education around menstrual health and...