Outstanding Achievement Awards – September and December 2021

We are delighted to announce that the ABMA Education ‘Outstanding Achievement Awards’ have been issued for the September and December 2021 examination series. We grant Outstanding Achievement Awards to learners that have received an outstanding result, or shown strong...

ABMA Education in Malawi

Representatives from ABMA Education have been in Malawi to meet with our recognised centres to listen to their thoughts, experiences and feedback. Forum Events Business Development Manager Angela Lambert, Compliance Officer Dr Shehrazade (Shez) Emmambokus-Teuten along...

Guyana Visit – WIIN Project

Our COO, Paul Roseveare and our Compliance Officer, Shehrazade Emmambokus-Teuten, visited Guyana last week to follow up on our work with the WIIN project. It was an extremely positive trip, allowing them to speak with so many different people, hearing their stories,...

ABMA Education is going green for Global Recycling Day

We are all aware of the dramatic pictures in the media showing the results of humanity on the planet, from melting polar ice caps to plastic waste in our oceans and waterways. In the last 50 years, humans have consumed more resources than in all previous history. With...

Important Information regarding the March Examinations

We have made some changes to the examination papers for the March series. Learners will now find their name and student number printed on the front page of their examination paper. It is important all learners are aware of this change and familiarise themselves with...