Professional Qualifications

Professional Business Management

Available Study Time

9-12 months per level

Certificate & Diploma

Level 3, 4, 5 & 6

Entry Requirements

More about the Qualification

Thrive in today’s diverse business world

Undertaking a Business Management course with ABMA, available at Level 3 Certificate, 4 Diploma, Level 5 Diploma and Level 6 Diploma, will not just mean that you are proficient with the fundamentals of business such as management and business finance, but also more complicated, subjective elements such as strategy, ethics and corporate responsibility.  

Learners undertaking these qualifications will also develop key work place skills that are in so in demand with employers today. This will result in personal growth and development that ensures business management learners know the subject and how to put it into practice.

Qualification Levels and Unit Titles

Level 3 Certificate

Level 3

Economics of the Marketplace

Understanding Functions and Roles within Business Organisations

Introduction to Business Strategy and Planning

Principles of Budgets and Financial Information

Understanding the Marketing Environment

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4

Leadership and Management

Financial Analysis and Planning

Operations Management

Quality Management

Organisational Behaviour, Culture and Ethics

Level 5 Diploma

Level 5

Business Strategy and Planning

Change Leadership

Customer Relationship Management

Strategic Decision Making

International Business

Level 6 Diploma

Level 6

Strategic Business Management

Managing Marketing Strategy

Management of Human Resources

Finance for Managers

Information Technology and e-Business

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Profesional Qualifications

Business Management

Available Study Time

1 – 3 Years

Price Guide

Uk costs and Africa Costs

Diploma Levels

Levels 4, 5 & 6

More about the course

At the forefront of Business Management today.

Undertaking a Business Management course with ABMA, available at Level 4 Diploma, Level 5 Diploma and Level 6 Diploma, will not just mean that you are proficient with the fundamentals of business such as management and business finance, the course will provide you with a qualification that puts you at the forefront of Business Management today.

The diploma levels & course modules

Level 4 Diploma


Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma


Level 4 Diploma

Level 5 Diploma


Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma


Level 4 Diploma

Level 6 Diploma


Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma

Level 4 Diploma


Level 4 Diploma

Course Inspiration

What you can achieve with this course

Case Study

Ben’s Story

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Inspirational Talk

The start of something new

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