World Teachers’ Day has been held every year on 5th October since 1994. On this World Teachers’ Day, we celebrate ABMA Education teachers’ important contributions to improving the lives of students around the world.
With this in mind, ABMA Education launched the Teacher of the Year Award for 2018 and asked for our learners to nominate a teacher they feel deserves recognition for their work in and out of the classroom.
We are pleased to say we were inundated with nominations and we would like to thank all of our learners that took the time to send in their nominations, photos and stories.
The nominated teachers were shortlisted to the final 6, which were then reviewed by the ABMA Education panel to decide the final winner.
ABMA Education is delighted to announce that the winner of the ABMA Education Teacher of the Year Award for 2018 is …
Mr. Mosongo Roland Bokwe from ABCIT Vocational Training Centre, Cameroon.
Mr. Bokwe’s approach to teaching was praised by a wide range of learners. Mr. Bokwe’s flexible, inclusive and adaptable teaching style has led to many learners expressly citing his ability to utilise different resources to bring lessons to life and, with humour and understanding to demonstrate what is required of the learners he teaches.
Many learners have also made reference to Mr. Bokwe’s dedication to learners outside the classroom and it is no exaggeration to say his influence has ensured many learners have continued to study and obtain success against great adversity.
Mr. Bokwe has been sent a certificate and a trophy for this achievement.
The panel also decided to award an Outstanding Achievement Award to another well-deserved teacher
Mr. Makani K. Nyirenda from Phwezi Women’s Training Centre, Malawi.
Mr. Nyirenda has consistently delivered a high standard of teaching to learners and there can be no doubt as to the difference his dedication has brought to many learners over the years. Many nominations cited a willingness to go beyond the duties of a teacher to help learners understand and stay motivated through challenging forms of study.
Mr. Nyirenda has been sent an Outstanding Achievement Certificate.
Congratulations to both of you.
The number of learners that took the times to nominate their teacher, just goes to prove the difference a teacher can make on the life of learners, both in the classroom and beyond.
ABMA Education would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every teacher that has helped our learners develop the skills and knowledge that they need to lead successful lives and positively impact the world.