Period Poverty Initiative #againstperiodpoverty

by | Dec 20, 2021 | News

ABMA Education believes in providing accessible education to as many people as possible and as part of this we announced last year our Period Poverty Initiative. ‘Period Poverty’ is a term used to describe the lack of access to adequate menstrual health supplies and education. This is an issue that affects girls and women around the world. We want to help our female learners stay in education despite the lack of education, access to products and other problems associated with having periods.

We are delighted to announce that our Period Poverty initiative restarted this month. Our start point is in Malawi, where we have teamed up with Supreme Sanitary Pads, a Malawi social enterprise that works hard to education communities about menstrual health and teaches local women to make and sell reusable products, providing them with an income and sanitary products for themselves to use.

During our December examination series our Country Manager and his team handed out free re-useable sanitary pads to all female learners attending their exams in Mangochi and Lilongwe. The response has been phenomenal, and those that missed out this series we hope to reach going forward into 2022.

You can find out more about Supreme Sanitary Pads and their work on their website