The Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM)

by | Aug 29, 2017 | News

ABMA Education are excited to announce that we are now working with The Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM).

ECAM was registered in 1963 under the Trustees Incorporation Act of Malawi as an employers’ trade association representing all subscribing employers. They have direct membership from 250 organizations, which includes 6 associations. The associations represent over 277,000 members.

The primary role of the Employers’ Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM) is the promotion, guidance and protection of employers’ interests in labour, employment and socio-economic issues.

ECAM’s vision is to be the most preferred and proactive voice of employers on business, employment, labour and industrial relations issues in Malawi.

Their mission is to provide efficient, relevant, professional and quality services for enterprise development and competitiveness; build stronger and effective partnerships towards fostering an enabling environment for sustainable enterprises to build stronger and effective partnerships towards fostering an enabling environment for sustainable enterprises and to effectively influence socio-economic policies affecting business.

​We look forward to working with ECAM to help bridge the gap between education and employment. It will be our priority to work with companies, employers and other ECAM members to address skills gaps, training issues and unemployment within Malawi.

To find out more information about ECAM, please visit their website: :