ABMA Education Examinations Update – 12/05/2020

by | Mar 27, 2020 | News

The safety and wellbeing of our learners is paramount and ABMA Education is working closely with governments, centres and stakeholders to ensure we are able to reach a satisfactory resolution that ensures our learners are able to complete their studies with as minimal disruption as possible.

Please visit our Official Facebook Page by clicking here for additional support where required.

March 2020 Examination Series

As soon as Governments release the lockdown and Centres are back open, the March 2020 Examinations will be rescheduled as soon as practicable. Please continue to make use of ABMA Education’s examination resources pages and continue revising so that you are adequately prepared.

June 2020 Examination Series

Given the current worldwide COVID-19 crisis affecting our learners and centres around the world, ABMA Education is taking new measures to ensure that our learners have every opportunity of undertaking their examinations successfully. These measures have been implemented taking into account the best interests of our learners and based on correspondence from a wide range of stakeholders including governments, medical bodies, centres and learners themselves.

As centres’ ability to deliver the qualification content is temporarily restricted by government actions aimed at halting the spread of COVID-19, ABMA Education will be taking the following action:

  • The June Examination Series will now be rescheduled to the week commencing 13th July 2020
  • The Examination Spreadsheet Deadline for the above series has been extended to the 29th April 2020
  • The Fee Deadline has also been extended to the 27th May 2020

Clearly the situation is changing regularly and the above is subject to any additional measures and restrictions in place by governments and recognised health bodies. The health and wellbeing of our learners will remain paramount and at the forefront of our decision-making. We trust that the above measures will be helpful to the learners and to your centre/s to ensure that any adverse impact of the COVID-19 situation is minimised.

We would like to state that the response from learners at this disruptive time has been a credit to themselves and to their communities and we would ask you to continue to support your fellow students and centres by taking careful note of new deadlines and staying informed about your qualifications and COVID-19 more generally.