Abma Guidelines

Examination Procedures for Learners

Professional Qualifications with a written examination.


Arrive at least 40 minutes before the start of the examination.

Ensure that you have your ABMA Education student card, student slip (if applicable) and national ID card with you.

Ensure that ALL personal belongings are left in the allocated space before taking your seat and not taken to your desk.

NOTE: Personal belongings include:

  • ALL electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, smart watches etc.
  • ALL notes and reference materials in ANY form

Any person found with personal belongings on their desk or on their person during the examination may be disqualified from not only this examination but all other ABMA examinations.



The invigilators should open the examination bag in the presence of learners, and seal these at the end of the examinations, also in the presence of learners.

The examination rules will be read out to all learners before the examination commences.

Ensure that you carefully check the front page of the examination paper, make sure you have been handed the correct paper. 

If you require the attention of an invigilator at any time, raise your hand and wait for the invigilator to come to you.

Do not speak to ANY other learners from the time you are seated at your desk, to the time you leave the exam hall, any communication between yourself and another learner may be seen as an attempt to cheat, and you may be disqualified.

Ensure that you promptly stop writing and put your pen down on the desk when you are told that the examination has concluded.



All content written within your examination must be your own work. Any quotes used should be referenced.

Examination papers are checked when returned to the ABMA offices to ensure that no content has been taken from another source without being properly referenced. For example, a section of text memorised from a website and then written in your examination would not be considered to be your own work.

Should it be noted that any content within your examination paper is not your own work, you may be disqualified from this and ALL other ABMA examinations as per the ABMA Plagiarism Policy which can be found on our website.