Deborah’s Story

by | Aug 16, 2024 | Learners Stories

It was in 2012 at work, when l was reading a newspaper, I came across the advertisement concerning the courses that ABMA Education offer. Immediately l became interested and l called the course coordinator in charge, who admitted me and that was the beginning of the journey.

In March 2013, I started study  to understand all about management in business.
2014 March wrote the Level 3 exam and passed. 2016 to 2017 I passed the exams, although l had some challenges with finances, it’s from here, where l had to struggle because l had to income of my own to continue with my studies, by the time I had money, l was told that ABMA has stopped offering courses in Zambia.

I did not just stop here, but l enquired, and l was told to apply in other countries, of which l did, I travelled from Botswana (Gaborone) to Zimbabwe (Harare). The journey was long and hard, it requires goodwill, patience, endurance, hard work, humbleness, long-suffering, hope, trust, determination, focus and discipline, above all communication was very vital and coordination.

Today am a graduate of ABMA Education. Because of their goodwill, reputation and not only that, their effectiveness and efficiency in decision making and support which was quick and enabled me to think and act faster. I like how they handled my issues and were very understanding and because of this I have acquired a lot. The skills and knowledge obtained have brought changes in my life, and I have gone to other countries because of ABMA Education. l have learnt to develop new ideas and to innovate.

I would encourage others to study with ABMA Education, don’t fear, it’s wide and broad, and I thank all the management for their teamwork, to make it possible for my achievement.

Congratulations to Deborah for her achievements, both academically and personally. We are delighted to be part of her journey.

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