Additional Progression Route – University of Sunderland, UK

We are delighted to announce that ABMA Education learners can now progress their studies at the University of Sunderland. Learners studying Business Management or Human Resource Management can continue their studies on to the following programmes: ABMA Education Award...
Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Kenyan Independence

Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Kenyan Independence

We are thrilled to share an exciting occasion this week, as our CEO, Vivek Rawal, received a special invitation to attend an exclusive event held at Buckingham Palace, celebrating and commemorating the 60th anniversary of Kenyan Independence, ahead of the State Visit...

New Certificate Design and Verification Service

As part of our commitment to delivering for our learners, we are pleased to announce that we will be launching an updated and improved design for all ABMA Education certificates. These new certificates include enhanced security features so that learners, centres,...

Fee Structure for 2024

ABMA Education has strived to bring you the best in qualifications and service without any fee increases for the past 6 years. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our offerings and meet rising operational costs, we have carefully reviewed our fee structure and...