New Certificate Design and Verification Service

As part of our commitment to delivering for our learners, we are pleased to announce that we will be launching an updated and improved design for all ABMA Education certificates. These new certificates include enhanced security features so that learners, centres,...

Mc Donald’s Story

I am Mc Donald Chikusi a graduate of Community Development Studies from Mzuzu Technical College, Malawi and I am thrilled to provide a glowing testimonial for my own studies on Community Development under the ABMA Education UK board. Throughout my academic journey, I...

Fee Structure for 2024

ABMA Education has strived to bring you the best in qualifications and service without any fee increases for the past 6 years. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our offerings and meet rising operational costs, we have carefully reviewed our fee structure and...

Tambe’s Story

Tambe is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Green Urban Logistics and Resume City an online digital logistics consulting firm that is providing insightful professional business ideas and coaching skills on logistics and SCM, resume building, International...

Ishmael’s Story

Ishmael Amini studied Community Development with ABMA Education. He has gone on to achieve an amazing amount of success and here Ishmael tells us more about his work. Since I stepped out of my college in 2017 as a Social Worker, I have been engaged with different...