New Certificate Design and Verification Service

by | Sep 8, 2023 | News

As part of our commitment to delivering for our learners, we are pleased to announce that we will be launching an updated and improved design for all ABMA Education certificates. These new certificates include enhanced security features so that learners, centres, employers and universities can be confident in the authenticity and validity of ABMA Education qualifications.

The first of the new certificates will be issued for the June 2023 results. The certificate now includes a secure hologram and a numismatic design which prevents both physical and digital forgeries.

We are also excited to announce that we have launched an online Verification Tool to confirm the details on any ABMA Education certificate which includes an ‘Award ID’. The tool is available on our website here, where you can enter a learner’s name and Award ID as printed on their certificate to confirm the full details. This is a secure method to allow instant verification of a learner’s qualification to an employer or university.

Please note that this can only be used for certificates including Award IDs, which were issued from the September 2021 series onwards.

Any certificate that does not include an Award ID can still be verified with ABMA Education via email: