Tambe’s Story

by | Jul 14, 2023 | Learners Stories

Tambe is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Green Urban Logistics and Resume City an online digital logistics consulting firm that is providing insightful professional business ideas and coaching skills on logistics and SCM, resume building, International freight forwarding business and shipping.

Here is Tambe’s story.

I did my ABMA level 6 Diploma in Shipping and Logistics, and it has paved the way in my career as I was equipped with a rich programme in shipping and logistics.

I have used the knowledge to be able to impact so many other lives in the teaching field of logistics and transport and ports and shipping management here in my country Cameroon.

In 2020, I taught ABMA Education courses at Landmark Metropolitan University Buea, Cameroon, they are very rich and coupled with the fact that they all have reference materials where a lecturer can even make references and equip his/herself with the necessary materials, I can say with no doubts the programme is even richer than most of the programs run here. Two major professional private universities have contacted me to design something similar to a level 6 Diploma Programme.

Though I had all those benefits, I wasn’t too satisfied because I wanted to pursue my master’s in Ports and Shipping, I had to do an additional 1 year to acquire my bachelor’s, which now gave me the pre-requisite for my master’s.

Read more learner stories here.