Learners Wellbeing
Looking after our mental wellbeing is important, everyone has days when they feel they are not feeling positive, but taking small steps can make all the difference.
Wellbeing Tips
Get into a good sleeping routine, a regular bed time and wake up time
Do something relaxing before bed
Use a clock rather than your phone, it reduces the temptation to scroll page after page in bed
Keep a pen and note pad by your bed, write down your to do’s and anything you need to remember for the next day
Think about your where you are
Keep it clean, tidy and uncluttered
Remember to go outside and get some fresh air, take in your surroundings, there is beauty in all types of environment
Be creative, draw, write, keep a scrapbook, play an instrument, whatever you like
Play a board or computer game
Read a book or a blog
Watch your favourite TV show or film
Listen to uplifting music
Meditate, do yoga, play sports, go for a bike ride
Cook and enjoy food with friends
Spend time with a pet
It’s easy to get caught up in everyday life, its busy, but there are somethings you can do even if you don’t have a lot of spare time, here are some ideas you can try:
5 minutes spare
Make a drink and enjoy it undistracted
Cuddle up with a loved one, pet or a soft toy
Write a to do list
Message a friend
10 minutes spare
Take a short walk
Do a quick tidy up of your room/work space
Listen to your favourite songs/playlist/audio book
30 minutes spare
Do some exercise, take a class or go for a brisk walk
Call a friend or family member for a catch up
Write something, a blog, diary or a letter
Complete a puzzle or crossword
Have a nap
1 hour spare
Watch an episode of your favourite TV show
Go for coffee with a friend
Cook or bake something
Have a soak in a bubble bath
Do some shopping, the fun kind!